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Medium, Reiki Master, 
Diet according to Anthony William
Intuitive readings

Readings about current life issues, talents, future trends and more

Family constellations

Gently dissolve blockages, patterns and difficult situations

Reiki / energy work

Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, work with angels and with your higher self

Healthy eating

Healthy eating according to Anthony William: information, tips, recommendations


Learn more about spirituality, intuition and healthy eating according to Anthony William. You will also find vegan and gluten-free recipes that you have created yourself.


Find out everything you need to know about healthy nutrition according to Anthony William, how important nutrition is for chronic diseases and discover over 70 vegan, gluten-free recipes.

About me

How I got involved with energy work, mediumship, spirituality and healthy eating.

About me

How I got involved with energy work, mediumship, spirituality and healthy eating.

The reading was great. I found exciting information that opened my eyes to many topics in my life.

Christiane, 56 years

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